Gene Key 27: Food of the Gods


Gene Key 27, with its Siddhi known as the "Food of the Gods," is a profound and transformative key that explores the themes of selfishness, altruism, and selflessness. This key is about nourishment on all levels - physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. It is about understanding the importance of what we feed ourselves, not just in terms of food, but also in terms of thoughts, emotions, and spiritual practices.

The 27th Gene Key is a journey from the shadow frequency of selfishness to the gift of altruism and ultimately to the siddhi of selflessness. It is a journey of transformation and evolution, where we learn to nourish ourselves and others in the most profound and meaningful ways.

Shadow - Selfishness

The shadow frequency of Gene Key 27 is selfishness. This is the frequency that is concerned with self-preservation and survival. It is the frequency that is driven by fear and scarcity, and it is the frequency that leads us to hoard resources, to be greedy, and to put our needs above the needs of others.

Selfishness is a survival mechanism that is deeply ingrained in our genetic programming. However, when we operate from this frequency, we are not living to our full potential. We are not nourishing ourselves or others in the most meaningful ways. We are not living in alignment with our true nature, which is love, compassion, and generosity.

Gift - Altruism

The gift frequency of Gene Key 27 is altruism. This is the frequency that is concerned with the well-being of others. It is the frequency that is driven by love, compassion, and generosity. It is the frequency that leads us to share our resources, to give freely, and to put the needs of others before our own.

Altruism is a higher state of consciousness that is rooted in the understanding that we are all interconnected. When we operate from this frequency, we are nourishing ourselves and others in the most profound and meaningful ways. We are living in alignment with our true nature, which is love, compassion, and generosity.

Siddhi - Selflessness

The siddhi frequency of Gene Key 27 is selflessness. This is the highest frequency, the frequency of enlightenment. It is the frequency that transcends the self and merges with the divine. It is the frequency that leads us to experience the ultimate nourishment, the "Food of the Gods."

Selflessness is a state of consciousness that transcends the individual self. It is a state of being rooted in the realization of our inherent oneness with the divine, embodying the highest frequency of this Gene Key. When we operate from this frequency, we are nourishing ourselves and others in the most profound and meaningful ways. We are living in alignment with our true nature, which is love, compassion, and generosity.


Selfishness, Altruism, Selflessness, Nourishment, Love, Compassion, Generosity, Interconnectedness, Enlightenment, Divine.

Gene Key 27 Food of the Gods

Hi there! Gene Key 27 Food of the Gods is part of members only resources, but you're getting it for free as a trial. Consider it gift, an invitation, a small step on your Human Design journey. Enjoy!


"I am nourished by the divine love that flows through me. I give freely and generously, knowing that I am part of a greater whole. I am selfless, compassionate, and loving."


Reflect on your relationship with nourishment. What are you feeding yourself on all levels - physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually? How can you nourish yourself and others in more profound and meaningful ways?


  1. Mindful Eating: Practice mindful eating. Pay attention to what you are feeding your body. Choose foods that are nourishing and life-giving.
  2. Meditation: Practice meditation. This will help you to quiet your mind and connect with your inner self. It will also help you to cultivate a state of selflessness.
  3. Service: Practice acts of service. Give freely and generously. This will help you to cultivate a state of altruism.

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Journal Prompts

  1. What does nourishment mean to you?
  2. How can you cultivate a state of altruism in your life?
  3. How can you cultivate a state of selflessness in your life?
  4. What are some ways that you can nourish yourself and others in more profound and meaningful ways?
  5. How can you transform the shadow frequency of selfishness into the gift of altruism and ultimately into the siddhi of selflessness?