The Left Angle Cross of Identification 2: A Guide to Harnessing Your Focused Energy
The Left Angle Cross of Identification 2 is a unique incarnation cross in Human Design that carries the energy for intense focus and significant contribution. Individuals with this cross in their design are often characterized by their ability to concentrate deeply on tasks and projects, and to make substantial contributions to their chosen fields or endeavors.
This cross is directly linked to the rewards and security that individuals receive. It is not well suited for speculative careers where instead of a steady income, individuals receive shares or a potential future bonus. In other words, if you carry this cross, you are not the type of person who would have thrived at Google in its early days, as you need stability in hand.
However, with that stability, you can bring an enormous focus to whatever you do and make a big contribution. This is the power and the potential of the Left Angle Cross of Identification 2.
Key Themes
Focus and Contribution
The primary theme of the Left Angle Cross of Identification 2 is the ability to focus and contribute significantly. This is not just about being able to concentrate on a task, but about being able to delve deeply into it, to understand it thoroughly, and to contribute to it in a meaningful way.
Stability and Security
Another key theme is the need for stability and security. This is not about being risk-averse, but about understanding that you function best when you have a solid foundation from which to work. This is why speculative careers, which offer potential future rewards but lack immediate stability, are not well suited to this cross.
Self-Reflection Questions
- How does my need for stability and security influence my career choices?
- How can I leverage my ability to focus and contribute in my current role?
- What steps can I take to ensure I have the stability I need to perform at my best?
- How can I use my strengths to make a significant contribution to my field?
- I am a focused and dedicated individual who thrives in stable environments.
- I have the ability to make significant contributions in my chosen field.
- I value stability and security in my career, and I make choices that align with these needs.
- I am not afraid to delve deeply into tasks and projects, and I use this ability to make meaningful contributions.
Action Steps
- Identify your needs: Understand that your need for stability and security is not a weakness, but a strength. Identify what you need to feel secure and stable in your career.
- Leverage your strengths: Use your ability to focus and contribute to your advantage. Look for opportunities to delve deeply into tasks and projects, and to make meaningful contributions.
- Avoid speculative careers: Understand that speculative careers, which offer potential future rewards but lack immediate stability, are not well suited to your design. Look for careers that offer a steady income and a stable environment.
- Reflect on your choices: Regularly reflect on your career choices and ensure they align with your needs and strengths. If they don't, consider what changes you could make to better align your career with your design.
In conclusion, the Left Angle Cross of Identification 2 is a powerful design that offers the ability to focus deeply and contribute significantly. By understanding and aligning with this design, you can leverage your strengths and make meaningful contributions in your chosen field.